Thursday, October 22, 2009

Political Humor

How the cartoonists come up with current news so fast is an amazing feat to me. I may not always agree with what they have to say but I sure get a belly laugh or two out of their work. That duck gets around almost as often as the bunny who never runs out of steam. The latest battle between the Obama team and Fox news is interesting, fodder for a debate team as to whether or not there is free speech in our country. We listen to those who bellow and roar about what they think is going on but we have sense enough to know that all of the facts are not presented on either side . . . yet. Until then we listen and soon there will be a time to vote keeping in mind 'the facts' of the different debates that have been ongoing for months now and make up our minds whether to keep or let go of our representatives who are not able to stand up and be counted for their constituents. Some have become big disappointments, all because they make a promise they do not have the stamina to keep to the American people as a whole.
It is like trying to get on with ones neighbors, or trying to keep up with a friend who is not sure he or she wants to work at that friendship. It is the age old problem we fight all the time," two is company, three is a crowd, four is too many and five not allowed"
I don't know about you, but I keep a candle lit for everyone whether they are politicians, clergy or the generals who lead the way. As human beings they need to be true to themselves and their beliefs before they are led down a path of degenerate power trips. As Paul Harvey would say, 'and that's the rest of the story.' as the politician cartoons open our eyes to the current events of our day.
I hope your day is as good as you can make it. I hope you will find reasons to go off your diet and have a special treat to whet your appetite and relax with the sense of well being. Put your feet up and read up on some of those cartoons, it can't hurt if it makes you laugh out loud.

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