Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

A special day. A day to honor those who serve. A day to remember all of the veterans of all wars and now service men and women who are being shot and killed in our own country. A never ending story that leaves heart break and sorrow. Light the candles, show faith, hope and charity beginning in your own neighborhood. Visit a veteran in a hospital nearby. Send a letter or a card to one who is now serving overseas. There are folks who are collecting and sending and certainly could use a donation or two. Yes, there is some one thing each of us can do. So celebrate Veterans Day with pride and honor for those who have served and who are now serving.
I have just returned from a road trip and have lots of pictures and words but they will have to wait until I retrieve my camera and download. We think son Michael's operation was successful but he is hurting at the moment so say a prayer the suffering will end soon and he will be able to use his arm again. Not an easy time for him, but he is a great patient; nope, didn't say he has patience, but he is working on it.
I hope your day is filled with love and patriotism, join the parades, have lunch out, relax and make your day a good one.

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