Wednesday, December 9, 2009


My friend Sharon is an artist as you can see from old Scrooge which was a gift to my son last Christmas. He goes around with his 'bah humbug' when you decorate too soon, according to his plan of hanging a Scrooge doll up the night before Christmas and a cardboard tree he has saved for years and years . . . so I thought he deserved a bit of old scrooge. She does tremendous works of art and I love what she does. This year I asked her to do a dancer for my granddaughter and she dropped by yesterday to show me the water color she finished. It is fabulous and she is going to enter it into a show so it isn't mine until after the show. The colors are vibrant, and the pose is fantastic and I am betting she will win an award, a ribbon and I'll have to request visiting privileges.
Our summer weather in December has turned to cold. I bet the two polar bears would be very comfortable here in our little town of Brookings. It actually went down to 29 degrees and there is a thought or two floating around out there that we may go lower with snow in the offering. Um . . . it's a good thing daughter Pat and I are running away for the next two days. We are heading up to Coos Bay and the shopping mall. It is a small mall, but it is a mall, with real true stores in it and we can look for some Christmas gifts for those folks on our list that are impossible to buy for. It is such fun to 'run away' just for a day or two then we can appreciate our little town when we return, especially if we get to a sizable city where the traffic is horrendous. You know how it is, we don't appreciate what we have until we go away and return.....aah!!! BUT, while in Coos Bay we will go to our thrift store and see what has been added since our last trip. You used to be able to find a small treasure or two, especially books, and come out smiling, but we have noticed a big change as the thrift stores have gone 'uptown' with their prices. Someone has an idea they have true treasures from others discards and price it accordingly . . . maybe that is why the shelves stay so stocked. We will get to the used book stores although I don't have room for another book. My bookcase if filled to the brim, the small plant stands with their wrought iron legs house the overflow of books so all three of them are working to the 'no place at the inn'. Keep your eye open for "Sail", a fast read and one you cannot put down -----Patterson I think is the author. I really enjoy his stories.
Of course we will stay at the Mill Casino and donate a few dollars to their cause in appreciation for their special rate and we reserved a second floor room overlooking the bay. This time of year the main entrance foyer will be filled with decorated Christmas trees. Each one is different with a theme all its own and donated by the business people of Coos Bay. Each one is unique and I would find it very hard to be a judge and choose just one. I do have to admit there is always one that I think I'd like to take home, or maybe two . . . but my little one will have to do.
So say a prayer the promised storm holds off until Friday or Saturday. The roads can be difficult to travel on as there are open areas where the ocean winds come in and defies you to stay on the road, or the rains beat on the windowpane and you cannot get the scrapers to move fast enough. I love a storm but not in a moving car.
So miss me a little, love me a lot and stay warm and cozy. Plot and plan a little time off and run away, it is very good for the spirit. Oh, before I forget, I do have a new follower and I am delighted. I have no idea how to tune in and say hello with my computer illiteracy batting a thousand, but I do appreciate your smiling face, which is beautiful, and I hope we become friends. Make today a special one . . . of course, just like YOU.

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